Those of you who know me well and if anyone thinks this philosophy is based on the 5 Tenets of Taekwon-do then they will be slightly surprised but hopefully not too disappointed. The noble but complex history behind the Tenets of Taekwondo stretched back to the days of Korea where in its turmoil it produced a great form of military art in April 1955 which has been a part of my life for over 25 years.
Each day I am grateful to make the most of the beautiful gift given to us and to help others rise to be their best.
As a Finance Professional - I have followed the Chartered Accountancy route which has exposed me to many wonderful and challenging experiences. There was a deep seated feeling in my bones to be of service and I have always been like this wherever anyone needed my help.
We needed a simple philosophy for both adults & kids. To give inspiration and impetus to grow and live our lives to our full potential - life is too short to play small. Come along a journey with me on the 5 Tenets of Life.
There are two ways in which you can die: You can stop breathing or you can stop dreaming. Roco Casciato
It’s these fleeting moments in life with incremental successes that make our days, years and life lead us to a greater purpose.
Gursh Kambo The Flo Coach